Delane Ingalls Vanada, M.Ed.
17430 Colonial Park Drive
Monument, CO 80132
719-487-8272 h
719-237-1416 c
About Me: My name is Delane Ingalls Vanada. I am a PhD candidate at the University of Denver, and in my spare time I teach art and art education majors at the college level. My work and life as an artist and designer before going into education informs the way I teach and lead. My PhD research interests are in the area of overall capacity to learn, brain research, and teaching for critical thinking/innovation-- all including the role of the arts in fostering growth in these areas for 21st century learning. I initiated, taught, and directed arts education programs for 17 years before going into higher ed. I have served in private, public, and charter schools as a curriculum and philosophy director, summer school/institute director, and integration specialist. For the past two years I have been developing and teaching art education majors at Rocky Mountain College of Art & Design. I also teach at the Art Institute of Colorado.
I am a Mom to three teenagers-- Kelsi, who is a D.U. Junior, double majoring in English and Spanish; Aaron, who is a Freshman in aeronatics at UND; and Kirstin, who is a high school Junior. My husband Dan is a software engineer, and we have been married for 25 years. We lived in North Carolina for 15 years before we moved to CO; I have also lived in New York, Chicago, Alabama, and Indiana.
9/06 to present Denver University, Denver, CO
· Ph.D. candidate: Educational Leadership and Reform
· Principal Internship: Denver School of the Arts 2007
· Supt. Internship: Rocky Mtn. College of Art + Design
5/02- 12/04 Lesley University, Cambridge, MA
· Masters of Education- Arts in Learning
6/79- 12/81 Purdue University, W. Lafayette, IN
· Bachelor of Science- Art & Design
8/80- 8/81 Fashion Institute of Technology, NY, NY
· Associate of Arts- Fashion Design
9/77- 6/79 Troy State University, Troy, AL
Professional Experience:
8/07- present Art Institute of Colorado
Part-time instructor
· Teach Fashion Drawing/ Illustration
8/06- 8/08 Rocky Mountain College of Art + Design
Adjunct Instructor: Art Education
· Developed and taught art and art education courses: “Methods of Art Education”, “Reading in the Content Area”, “Intro to Art Education”, “Jewelry”; “Statistics” as independent study
· Supervisor for art education student teachers in Jefferson County and Denver Public Schools: ‘07
· Supervisor/ Lead Faculty of Kids Art Lab- a service learning project between art education & community
8/97- 7/06 The Classical Academy, Colorado Springs, CO
Founding Art Instructor and Art Director/ Curriculum Developer 1997- 2006
· Developed and supervised comprehensive, standards-based, integrated, K-8 art curriculum
· Championed efforts to win 2004 “National Schools of Distinction” award from the Kennedy Center
· Instructional Philosophy Arts Advisor; established departmental philosophy and standards
· Responsible for hiring, mentoring, supervising and evaluating art staff; program budget and monitoring
· Developed and supervised teacher induction program
TCA Summer Institute Director/ Founder 2004- 2006
· Summer Administrator for all programs, including remedial classes
· Program developer, coordinator, hiring manager, and supervisor of all programs and staff
· Implemented policies, public relations, advertising and budget
Arts Coordinator/ Arts Integration Specialist 2004- 2006
· Developed and authored comprehensive, integrated curriculum K-6
· Integration consultant, providing training and assistance in arts integration (Central campus)
3/83- present Simply Radiant
Owner/ designer of sole-proprietorship, marketing fine art, fashion designs and illustrations
· Established MasterPeaks Studio: private art, design, and illustration instruction; summer art camps
8/95- 6/97 Trinity School, Durham, NC
Founding Teacher K-8, Curriculum Developer
Responsible for program budget, curriculum development and direction, piloting new programs, teaching
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Personal Action Plan
"Next steps” that I want to take in each of the six identified educational leader standards and the three strand areas to create your own personal action plan.
Strand 1 – Basic Technology Skills and Applications
What skills, experience, and/or willingness can an administrator model in regards to using technology without having to be an “expert”?
NETS- A – III Productivity and Professional Practice
Educational leaders apply technology to enhance their professional practice and to increase their own productivity and that of others.
Short Range
Medium Range
Long Range
III. Productivity and Professional Practice
Educational leaders apply technology to enhance their professional practice and to increase their own productivity and that of others.
1. Continue to improve technology skills through DU technology class with Dan Morris (must continue to acquire in order to model; i.e. continuous learning!)
2. On day 1 of this class, I created a “surveymoney” for the family reunion that I just hosted in Keystone.
1. Plan and implement “technology investigations” with students and staff
2. Inspire the need for 21st century skills through exposure to creativity/ innovation websites
1. Create my own website
2. Initiate 21st Cent. Learning and the Arts blog
Strand 2 – Leadership Skills
How will you, as a leader and facilitator, help others focus on a vision that improves student achievement and facilitates continuous professional growth?
NETS A –I Leadership and Vision
Educational leaders inspire a shared vision for comprehensive integration of technology and foster an environment and culture conducive to the realization of that vision.
NETS A –II Learning and Teaching
Educational leaders ensure that curricular design, instructional strategies, and learning environments integrate appropriate technologies to maximize learning and teaching.
NETS A –IV Support, Management, and Operations
Educational leaders ensure the integration of technology to support productive systems for learning and administration.
NETS A –V Assessment and Evaluation
Educational leaders use technology to plan and implement comprehensive systems of effective assessment and evaluation
Short Range
Medium Range
Long Range
I. Leadership and Vision
Educational leaders inspire a shared vision for comprehensive integration of technology and foster an environment and culture conducive to the realization of that vision.
1. Use blogs and wikis in my instruction of college students
2. Practicing technology skills
1. Exemplify how technology integration is more about differentiated, integrative tchng. for more active engagement by holding prof. development to that end.
1. Inspire a shared vision by leading/guiding future teachers to fully integrate technology into their teaching. I want to create a multi-media presentation.
2. Learn about & use E-portfolios for use with college art/art ed students
II. Learning and Teaching
Educational leaders ensure that curricular design, instructional strategies, and learning environments integrate appropriate technologies to maximize learning and teaching.
1. Continue to teach media literacy in my classes; incorporating opportunities for students
2. Learn G-Cast, Jump Cut, how to create Podcast
1. Write integrated curriculum for the arts that features technology for/with 21st century learners for DCS Curric. Director
1. Publish arts/technology lesson plans & curriculum.
2. Compile 21st technology resources (I started this long ago and need to update it) to support others
IV. Support, Management, and Operations
Educational leaders ensure the integration of technology to support productive systems for learning and administration.
1. Get in touch with Mimi (my M.Ed. technology prof) for her examples in this area.
2. Do further research/reading
1. Teach 21st cent. Skills framework
2. Finish a paper I started on arts & 21st cent. skills and submit for publishing
1. Take a professional development course offered by AiC.
V. Assessment and Evaluation
Educational leaders use technology to plan and implement comprehensive systems of effective assessment and evaluation
1. Develop wikis as a means of self and group assessment.
2. Collect rubrics for NASAD reaccreditation for RMCAD.
1. Re-examine Intel Assessment tools & Innovation Odyssey.
2. Utilize assessment tools on Tech4Learning site and others. Compile list to share w tchrs.
1. In my admin internship at DCSS, I will be assessing arts teachers & use of integration, technology, critical thinking.
Strand 3 – Social, Legal and Ethical
What systems and resources do you need in place to ensure that available technologies support and enhance the learning environment?
NETSA -VI Social, Legal, and Ethical Issues
Educational leaders understand the social, legal, and ethical issues related to technology and model responsible decision-making related to these issues.
Short Range
Medium Range
Long Range
VI. Social, Legal, and Ethical Issues
Educational leaders understand the social, legal, and ethical issues related to technology and model responsible decision-making related to these issues.
1. Investigate Dan Morris’ listed sites on this subject
1. Initiate discussions with teachers on moral, legal, social responsibilities of technology use in the classroom
1. Study the legal issues surrounding technology use in the classroom/school from an administrator’s point of view
Describe your greatest strength in helping to integrate ICT into practice in your school
I am a life-long learner, always delving into new subjects that I want to learn. My vast array of experiences in the world of real-life work inspires my philosophies of the need for real-world application. Since I have taught many different age levels and learning styles, I am committed to the use of technology for differentiating teaching in order to reach more learners. My research into the brain, project-based learning, integrated learning, and critical/creative thinking empowers me for leading toward 21st century learning and teaching.
Since 21st century thinking/learning is a major part of my research, I am familiar with the initiatives and national platforms regarding 21st skills across the globe—esp. England, Scotland, Australia, & Scandinavia. I am interested in a broad range of subjects and do incorporate technology into my teaching and leading to a great degree.
Describe your greatest weakness in helping to integrate ICT into practice in your school
I am not as proficient with technology as many of my students, and I am still learning. I’m personally not as comfortable as I’d like to be operating some equipment.
Describe your greatest “personal” staff development need(s) in the area of ICT
The more I learn, the more I feel that I don’t know—and want to learn! I want to become more proficient in multi-media technologies and am forever trying to become more proficient in Adobe Photoshop. I feel like I am relearning it every time. I also want to learn to create podcasts and my own website (I don’t think at this point that I want it to be a wiki).
Describe what you believe to be the greatest staff development need(s) of teachers in your school in the area of ICT
Most staff members within my department at the college level are fluent with PowerPoint © and how to use the school’s equipment to project their creations. It stops there. There is greater need for engaging students on a more consistent basis with technology. They need to be involved. I have requested that a staff development session this year at the college would include I-Design. I also believe we need to move our students toward E-portfolios, which would require staff training and "buy-in" from all members.
Technology Tools you want to explore (software, hardware, Web 2.0, etc.)
I have used WebQuests in my teaching (and the teaching of future teachers & professional development sessions that I’ve led). I’d like to know how to create them myself. I also need to improve in the area of Excel spreadsheets. In my teaching at the college level (and in art colleges!), I need to become more proficient using Mac computers.
School resources and support you will need
The technology folks at the college level are great if everything is scheduled ahead of time. In real life, technology doesn’t always work that way! The school provides great resources; accessing them is another matter.
Comments (2)
Dan Morris said
at 10:00 pm on Aug 14, 2008
Great job - I hope you enjoyed the class
Delane Ingalls Vanada said
at 11:10 am on Aug 15, 2008
I thoroughly enjoyed this class. Thanks!
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