

Page history last edited by John F kron 16 years, 5 months ago
The Oceanside School District is considering implementation of a 1:1 laptop initiative for its 488 high school students. As part of the program, every teacher also will be given a laptop. What would an appropriate professional development plan for teachers, designed collaboratively by principals (instructional leaders) and technology coordinators (technology leaders), look like?
Group Participants:
Questions To Answer
1. What is one way to address the problem posed in the scenario, and what are the next steps?

 Looking at last years' answers, one thing that is missing is student-user involvement in the planning/leadership step. These "Native Users" will point the way, and need to be empowered to do so. Teachers are used to being the "experts" who share their knowledge with the ignorant masses. They need to get over it, and become instead collaborative users alongside students. Kids will more quickly pick up the technology, while teachers' experience will more readily discover possible uses for the technology. Work together! (John K) 

2. What leadership skills are most necessary to tackle these problems?
3. How do you provide equitable experiences for students across all the building?
 You won't. Providing equal access to the computers is a great first step, but every student who is given a copy of Romeo and Juliet does not have an equitable experience with Shakespeare. (John K)

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