
Neale-Downing, Cynthia

Page history last edited by Cynthia Neale-Downing 16 years, 6 months ago

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About Me:

 I was raised in a military family so lived in many places as a child but have lived in Colorado Springs all of my adult life. I am married and have three children and five grandchildren. My husband, Jim is a history teacher at a charter high school and he also teaches at Pikes Peak Community College. We enjoy spending time with our three granddaughters who live close by and traveling. My hobbies are weaving and reading but between work and classes, I have not had much time for either in the last year. 


Professional Experience: 

I am the Director of Child Care Services at Pikes Peak Community College where I have  worked in various capacities at the Child Development Center for the last 16 years. I also am adjunct faculty in the Early Childhood Education Department. I have been working in the field of Early Childhood Education for over thirty years as a preschool teacher, food program administrator, family child care provider, trainer, and consultant. I have degrees in Early Childhood Education and in Organizational Management. I just completed the Buell Fellowship in Early Childhood Leadership and am working towards my Masters degree at DU.


Action Plan:

  Cindy Neale-Downing Action_Plan_.doc



Comments (1)

Dan Morris said

at 9:31 pm on Aug 14, 2008


It was great working with you. Good job

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