
Lydia Amewu

Page history last edited by Lydia V Amewu 16 years, 6 months ago

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About Me: I am  international student from Ghana, in Africa. I have taught chemistry at high school level for ten years. I am married with three lovely kids. I hope to get my Ph.D in Educational Administration, go back home and effect a few educational policy changes. This definitely includes the extensive adaptation of the numerious resources available in this computer age. 



Professional Experience: I have not had much experience in the area of technology, since I have only just been introduced. I am familiar with word processing, excel, spss and now I can mention pbwiki and google docs. Since I arrived in the I have been a substitute teacher at FELC and the RICKS center. I am however looking forward to teaching Science and chemistry at the high school level. 



Personal Leadership Action Plan


Essential Questions:

·       How can the leader support teacher effectiveness to improve student achievement.


       - Educational leaders inspire a shared  vision for comprehensive integration of technology.

       - foster an environment and culture conducive to the realization of that vision.

-A collaborative, proactive leader, who is in touch with the changing times and trends, will acquire the necessary basic technology skills, may not be an expert but has knowledge as to how to access whatever information is needed.

-The leader effectively communicates models this to the staff and encourages the usage.

-Makes available the necessary resources to facilitate the acquisition of all the facilities to improve teaching and learning.

-A leader who identifies expert in the site that deals with professional development, teaching strategies and empowers him/her to guide others.

-Adopting the strategies and effectively implementing them, will in the long run improve student achievement. 


·       What is a 21st Century school/district/teacher/administrator?


-21st Century Educational system will apply technology to enhance professional practice to increase productivity.

       - ensure that curricular design, instructional strategies, learning environments integrate appropriate technologies to maximize learning and teaching.

       - Technology is used to plan and implement comprehensive systems of effective assessment and evaluation.

       - The system encourages a collaborative, flexible and enthusiastic application of 21st Century skills.


Your Next Steps


Identify “next steps” that you want to take in each of the six identified educational leader standards and the three strand areas to create your own personal action plan. Be sure to identify any resources you have identified during the session that you want to use or explore further. Use the template that follows this page.


       - Develop my expertism in 21st century skills.

       - Eagerly communicate these resources to other teachers and administrators.

       - Hand out the links, guide "disciples" through it.

       - Discuss their feedback and encourage them.

       - We learn and enjoy the facility together. 

       - This team becomes the advocate.


Strand 1 – Basic Technology Skills and Applications

What skills, experience, and/or willingness can an administrator model in regards to using technology without having to be an “expert”?

NETS- A – III Productivity and Professional Practice

Educational leaders apply technology to enhance their professional practice and to increase their own productivity and that of others.


Strand 2 – Leadership Skills

How will you, as a leader and facilitator, help others focus on a vision that improves student achievement and facilitates continuous professional growth?

NETS A –I Leadership and Vision

Educational leaders inspire a shared vision for comprehensive integration of technology and foster an environment and culture conducive to the realization of that vision.

NETS A –II Learning and Teaching

Educational leaders ensure that curricular design, instructional strategies, and learning environments integrate appropriate technologies to maximize learning and teaching.

NETS A –IV Support, Management, and Operations

Educational leaders ensure the integration of technology to support productive systems for learning and administration.

NETS A –V Assessment and Evaluation

Educational leaders use technology to plan and implement comprehensive systems of effective assessment and evaluation


Strand 3 – Social, Legal and Ethical

What systems and resources do you need in place to ensure that available technologies support and enhance the learning environment?

NETSA -VI Social, Legal, and Ethical Issues

Educational leaders understand the social, legal, and ethical issues related to technology and model responsible decision-making related to these issues.



Strand 1 – Basic Technology Skills and Applications


What skills, experience, and/or willingness can an administrator model in regards to using technology without having to be an “expert”?


  - The administrator must have access to the links and know how to maximize the usefulness of the sites.

  - The knowledge and application of basic technology skills, the willingness to learn, adopt and implement strategies.

  - The provision of resources and logistics could very much model the need to use technology.


III. Productivity and Professional Practice

Educational leaders apply technology to enhance their professional practice and to increase their own productivity and that of others.

Short Range: Improve my basic tecnological skills in word processing, excel, pbwiki, google docs and thinkfifnity.


Medium Range: Communicate the usefulness of the sites to enhance teaching and learning, the numerous instructional strategies and the available strategic assessment and evaluation models to fellow educators and administrators. Exhibit the prospects of this facility. 


Long Range: Become an expert in thinkfinity, pbwiki and google docs. Get other educators and administrators just as competent. Learn about edublogs, clicker, deilicious and teachertube. Maintain an awareness of emerging technologies and their potential use in education.

Strand 2 –Leadership Skills

How will you, as a leader and facilitator, help others focus on a vision that improves student achievement and facilitates continuous professional growth?


I. Leadership and Vision

Educational leaders inspire a shared vision for comprehensive integration of technology and foster an environment and culture conducive to the realization of that vision.


Short Range: Driven by my conviction and passion to intergrate technology into the ghanaian culture, i will use interpersonal and communicative skills to share this vision. Advocate research-based effective practises in the use of technology.

Medium Range: Share my plan to gather the resources and logistics, plan for the implementation, training of personel, modifications and adjustments. Identify areas of curricular design, instructional strategies, and learning environments to integrate appropriate technologies to effectively enhance teaching and learning. Use data in making leadership decisions.


Long Range: Implement the policy changes that will ensure curricular changes, instructional strategic changes for the learning environment that integrate appropriate technologies to effectively enhance teaching and learning.


 II. Learning and Teaching

Educational leaders ensure that curricular design, instructional strategies, and learning environments integrate appropriate technologies to maximize learning and teaching.


Short Range: Explore indepth into those sites with teacher-student tools, analyze the various instructional strategies, assessment and evaluation tools and decide which best suits me. Adopt and implement its usage in my teaching career.  Share the knowledge and become the sites advocate. E.g. "Intel Educational", "thinkfinity" and "Classroom 2.0"


Medium Range: Adopt and implement its usage in my teaching career.  Share the knowledge and become the sites advocate. Provide for and ensure that faculty and staff take advantage of quality professional learning opportunity for improved learning and teaching with technology.


Long Range: Introduce and initiate other educators and administrators to its usage. Facilitate and support collaborative technology-enriched learning environments which learner-centered conducive to innovation, higher-level thinking, decision-making and problem-solving.


IV. Support, Management, and Operations

Educational leaders ensure the integration of technology to support productive systems for learning and administration.


Short Range: Explore and study more the pbwiki, web 2.0, thinkfinity, classroom 2.0, Gcast and podcast. This will enable me to develop technology-based management and operations systems.


Medium Range: Consider and analyze the various implementation issues, management, utilization, security  and operatonal issues that may arise. Develop a back-up plan for these implementation dip. Integrate and implement strategic technology plans and other improvement policies.

Long Range: Replacate the implementation system across the nation. Monitor integrated technology-based plansfor compatibility and continuousimprovement.


V. Assessment and Evaluation

Educational leaders use technology to plan and implement comprehensive systems of effective assessment and evaluation


Short Range: Study critically the assessment and evaluation tool on "intel education", "Classroom 2.0" and envision how i will use it.


Medium Range: Implement its use in my building or classroom. Exhibit the usefulness and communicate it. Use technology to collect ,analze, interpret data and communicate findings to improve instructional practice and student learning.


Long Range: Convince other educators and administrators to adopt it. Use the technologyto assess, evalute and mange administrative and operational systems.


Strand 3 – Social, Legal and Ethical

What systems and resources do you need in place to ensure that and resources do you need in place to ensure that available technologies support and enhance the learning environment?


VI. Social, Legal, and Ethical Issues

Educational leaders understand the social, legal, and ethical issues related to technology and model responsible decision-making related to these issues


Short Range: Educate myself on not just the social responsibilty but also the legal and ethical issues that might arise. Put systems in place to countereact these complications. A study of the copyright law will be helpful. Identify, communicate, model and enforce social, legal and ethical practices to promote responsible use of technology. 


Medium Range: Advocate the safe use and install security systems. Ensure equity of access to technological resources that enable and empowers all learners and educators.


Long Range: Improve security systems with higher usage. Participate in the development of policies that clearly enforce copyright law and assign ownership of intellectual property developed across the nation.


 Some questions to consider while you develop you own action plan (set of next steps) to help you lead to effectively integrate ICT into your   school.



Describe your greatest strength in helping to integrate ICT into practice in your school


 My greatest asset is my conviction, enthusiasm and faith that ICT is the key to the future. Ghana, a developing country should in no wise lose out on the drive to move forward. Industralisation is trailing behind ICT in development drive. I may not be an expert but knowing how to access specific links and their usefulness, a powerful communication of this vision will help others to buy-in and integrate ICT.




 Describe your greatest weakness in helping to integrate ICT into practice in your school


 My greatest fear is how little I know in this area, my incompetence and lack of expertism. I am however working seriously on this weakness. I have barely the basic skills in word processing, excel, blackboard and spss.




Describe your greatest “personal” staff development need(s) in the area of ICT


 I had grasped each opportunity to explore the computer technology, whenever my lecturers had introduced the use of a computer program. With much practice, after this course I will feel much confident in the area of computer literacy. Become highly literate in:

   igoogle, intel educational, intel visual rankings, pbwiki, wikispace, thinkfinity, clicker, edublogs and deilicious.




 Describe what you believe to be the greatest staff development need(s) of teachers in your school in the area of ICT


 Teachers in my school need to be conscientised on the need to take up this challenge since we are all not comfortable in unknown areas.

 They must come to the realisation that there are no options, to be competitive in this global world.

 The teachers must understand that it behoves on them to move their students into the global community.

 The motivation is that actually, administrators, educators and students all stand to benefit greatly from this knowledge since it enhances teaching and    learning.




 Technology Tools you want to explore (software, hardware, Web 2.0, etc.)

 SPSS, pbwiki, google docs, thinkfinity, Intel educational, Web 2.0, classroom 2.0 and edublogs.




 School resources and support you will need

 Computers at least one in each classroom, Training for teachers and national leadership commitment.


Comments (2)

Lydia V Amewu said

at 10:31 am on Aug 3, 2008

This is the work of Lydia V. Amewu

Dan Morris said

at 6:20 pm on Aug 3, 2008


Great job. Your plan looks good and specific to your needs.

Good luck

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