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Groneman, Sheila

Page history last edited by SheilaG 16 years, 2 months ago

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About Me:

Hello :) I live in Summit County with my husband John. I have two children, ages 27 and 24, who both live in Denver. My roots are in Massachusetts and I came to Colorado in the mid-70s. I enjoy being in the outdoors but often am challenged to find the time to get outside. Skiing has always been a part of my life. This year my last ski day was June 6th. I was a University of Denver Buell Early Childhood Fellow, The first cohort just finished in May 2008. There is a small group from this cohort continuing on in the Masters program in Educational Administration. I am excited to be part of the larger conversation of the role early childhood is playing in the public education system.


Professional Experience:

I have been the director of the Head Start program in Summit County since it's inception over 5 years ago. Previously I was the early childhood coordinator for the Youth and Family Department with Summit County Government overseeing the implementation of a continuum of home visitation and child abuse prevention programs. My years of experience in the field of early childhood have also included working as a public and private school classroom teacher, child care center director, parent educator, teacher mentor/coach, and Community College early childhood adjunct instructor. My advocacy roles have been at a local regional and state level, serving on councils and task forces. I am a vice president for the Colorado Head Start Association. I am also currently serving on the Summit School District RE-1 Board of Education and am a member of the Colorado Association of School Boards Early Childhood task force. Imbedding the 'P' element into the P-20 continuum is a professional focus for me. I am excited for Governor Ritter's focus on educational reform. The President of Summit's BOE is also our State Representative and carried the CAP4K legislation.



Action Plan:


Essential Questions:

·       How can the leader support teacher effectiveness to improve student achievement?


·       What is a 21st Century school/district/teacher/administrator?



Your Next Steps



Identify “next steps” that you want to take in each of the six identified educational leader standards and the three strand areas to create your own personal action plan. Be sure to identify any resources you have identified during the session that you want to use or explore further. Use the template that follows this page.


Access, Adequacy, and Equity in Educational Technology - AFT and NEA examine the state of resources and support for educational technology in public schools. http://www.nea.org/research/images/08gainsandgapsedtech.pdf


Strand 1 – Basic Technology Skills and Applications

What skills, experience, and/or willingness can an administrator model in regards to using technology without having to be an “expert”?

NETS- A – III Productivity and Professional Practice

Educational leaders apply technology to enhance their professional practice and to increase their own productivity and that of others.



Strand 2 – Leadership Skills

How will you, as a leader and facilitator, help others focus on a vision that improves student achievement and facilitates continuous professional growth?

NETS A –I Leadership and Vision

Educational leaders inspire a shared vision for comprehensive integration of technology and foster an environment and culture conducive to the realization of that vision.

NETS A –II Learning and Teaching

Educational leaders ensure that curricular design, instructional strategies, and learning environments integrate appropriate technologies to maximize learning and teaching.

NETS A –IV Support, Management, and Operations

Educational leaders ensure the integration of technology to support productive systems for learning and administration.

NETS A –V Assessment and Evaluation

Educational leaders use technology to plan and implement comprehensive systems of effective assessment and evaluation



Strand 3 – Social, Legal and Ethical

What systems and resources do you need in place to ensure that available technologies support and enhance the learning environment?

NETSA -VI Social, Legal, and Ethical Issues

Educational leaders understand the social, legal, and ethical issues related to technology and model responsible decision-making related to these issues.




Some questions to consider while you develop you own action plan (set of next steps) to help you lead to effectively integrate ICT into your school.



Describe your greatest strength in helping to integrate ICT into practice in your school


 Willingness to learn about resources and tools to assist and support student learning

Face time with EC teachers in the District and time to promote discussion about the role of ICT in EC





Describe your greatest weakness in helping to integrate ICT into practice in your school



 Developing my own skills and raising the comfort level and familiarity with ICT.



Describe your greatest “personal” staff development need(s) in the area of ICT









Describe what you believe to be the greatest staff development need(s) of teachers in your school in the area of ICT







Technology Tools you want to explore (software, hardware, Web 2.0, etc.)







School resources and support you will need



Comments (1)

Dan Morris said

at 9:08 pm on Aug 14, 2008


It was a pleasure working with you.

Good job

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