
CBOCES Principal Induction Program - Nov 10,2010

Page history last edited by Dan Morris 14 years, 2 months ago

Intel Leadership Forum

This Intel Leadership Forum is presented by eNetColorado


Essential Question:

How can educational leaders support teacher effectiveness to improve student achievement?



Getting Started (30 minutes)  (see pages vi-xi)

  • Activity 1: Introductions
  • Activity 2: Essential Question and Goals (see page ix)
  • Activity 3: Previewing the Action Plan(page xi)


Module 1: Examining Leadership Behaviors and Standards (70 minutes)


Module 2: Exploring Best Practices (60 minutes)


Module 3: Introducing Web 2.0 and New Technologies (50 minutes)

  • Activity 1: Understanding Web 2.0 (see pages 3.01-3.04) (15 minutes)

               Exploring Web 2.0 that support 21st Century Skills


Module 4: Developing Your Plan of Action (30 minutes)


Colorado Self Assessment for Administrators


  • Activity 1: Creating Your Action Plan
  • Activity 2: Sharing Your Action Plan
  • Activity 3: Concluding the Forum
  • Activity 4: Evaluating Your Forum Experience










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